OTR logo

is an all-singing, all dancing convenience store, with origins in South Australia.


If we haven’t met, it’s lovely to meet you.

C Coffee offer

We look after people on the run with the best 24/7 convenience store offer in Australia.

We help people deal with the common problem of not being perfectly organised.
(Because who is, right?)

With most needs that come up through the week you can get a solution,


Our amazing free app makes waiting a thing of the past.

  1. Pre-order coffee & food so it’s ready when you arrive.
  2. Pay for fuel without going inside, faster than ever.
  3. Get the 5th item free across many offers, in one place.
  4. Create a donation to your favourite charity every time you use the app to order, at no cost to you.
OTRGive logo

This one’s special. Say hi to the most generous corporate giving program in Australia, where you choose where we give everytime you shop.

learn more

Our stores look like this. Nice huh?

OTR site photo

Hope to meet you in person soon.